The Senior Lounge, its lower deck and Roof Deck are generally available for use from the week preceding Opening Tea in late June/early July and until the last day of Junior Activities, in the week following the August dinner dance. Weather permitting, use may also begin in May and extend until the first Monday following Canadian Thanksgiving.
This policy is subject to change to address Covid-19 public health guidance and restrictions. Please check with Club Management (contact information below) for the most recent information about use of the Senior Lounge and Roof Deck during the Covid-19 global health pandemic.
Members and guests 18 years and older. Members must pay applicable guest fees and accompany their guests during use.
- Daily:
- 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- After Hours (subject to reservations with Club Management):
- 4 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. (Town By-Law)
- After Hours (subject to reservations with Club Management):
- Daily:
- Senior Lounge (interior): no posted maximum (due to accessible exits)
- Roof Deck: 48 people
- Cell Phone and Laptops (Electronic Communications):
- Quiet use is permitted
- Active, loud conversations are discouraged; the member should move outside of the Senior Lounge or off the porch. If on the Roof Deck, the member should move away from others or off the deck entirely
- No “Zoom Calls” are permitted at any time if in presence of other Members. When other members access the facilities, please end your call.
- Exceptions to this Electronic Communications policy are permitted for Club events (e.g. Book Club, Lively Lectures, Board meetings etc.)
- Cell Phone and Laptops (Electronic Communications):
- Furniture: If furniture in Senior Lounge, on Senior Lounge deck or on the Roof Deck is moved, it must be returned to its original position.
- Maintenance: All users are responsible for cleaning and removing all garbage resulting from their own usage.
- Events: “All Member” events (including catered events) are permitted subject to reservations with Club Management. Certain events may require the approval of the Events Committee and/or the full Board of Directors.
- No Smoking: Smoking is not permitted in the Senior Lounge, on the Roof deck or anywhere on Club grounds.
Responsibility for Damages Caused: The Club reserves the right to charge the booking member (if during an event) or any member otherwise responsible for any property damage caused to the facilities or if any additional work is required by staff or other members to return the facilities to their prior state
To Register to use Black Point please fill out the Registration Form HERE.
Use by Members:
All NHC members are welcome and encouraged to use Black Point and its beaches.
Black Point is a sensitive ecological environment. We endeavor to practice no-trace activities and we require members to strictly observe the following rules at Black Point:
- Pack out everything you bring in – do not leave behind or burn any garbage.
- For any overnight camping, use the sign-up sheet available at the NHC.
- Fires are permitted ONLY at First Beach and ONLY in the designated stone fire-pit.
- Fires are permitted ONLY when the fire warning levels permit (“Low” or “Moderate”). Consult www.sopfeu.qc.ca for fire bans and to see if the fire risk is at “High” or above. If you’re unsure contact the Club Manager at the number below.
- Fires must be kept within the perimeter of the designated fire pit.
- Flames must be kept to a safe height at all times.
- Fires must be tended at all times.
- Fires must be thoroughly and completely extinguished before departure.
- Don’t cut any firewood at Black Point – bring your own or use deadfall.
- No fireworks.
- No hunting, trapping or foraging – respect the flora and fauna and leave it there!
- Keep the volume down – sound travels on the water.
- Enjoy and be safe!
Use by the Public:
Black Point and its beaches are owned by the North Hatley Club and are private property. There are signs posted to this effect.
While Black Point is not available for use by the public, it often is. We encourage all members to take an active role in using Black Point and to discourage any use by the public. This is important for the safety and preservation of the area.
If you observe unauthorized use, we encourage you to inform trespassers if you deem it safe to do so. However, we do not want members putting themselves in harm’s way nor engaging in any unpleasant confrontations.
If you observe dangerous activities (fires, fireworks, firearms, destruction of property or damage to the environment), we ask that you kindly contact the appropriate numbers below to report the incident and it will be treated through the appropriate channels. Please do not engage with trespassers in any way that could escalate out of control or put anyone in harm’s way.
Level 1 Incidents:
Service | Tel: |
Police (SQ) | 9-1-1 *4141 by mobile |
Ambulance (paramedics) | 9-1-1 *4141 by mobile |
Fire | 9-1-1 *4141 by mobile |
Fire – North Hatley | 819 842-3204 |
Fire – Ayer’s Cliff | 819 679-2073 |
Massawippi (MRC) Water Patrol | 819 620-6884 |
S.O.S Poachers (fish and game) | 1-800-463-2191 |
First Beach GPS coordinates: 45°14’55.3″N 72°00’04.8″W
If you are in any danger or if someone is injured, dial 9-1-1 immediately.
If there is a fire out of control dial 9-1-1 immediately. You can also call the North Hatley Fire Department at 819 842-3204 and the Ayer’s Cliff Fire Department at 819-679-2073.
For boating related matters (dangerous or impaired driving, etc.) dial the Massawippi Patrol at 819-620-6884 or the provincial police (SQ) at 9-1-1.
Please also inform the NHC as soon as circumstances permit.
NHC Contacts (dial in descending order until you reach someone) | Tel: |
Manager – Jennifer Madill | 819-842-2526 or 819-842-2697 |
President – Darren Forrester | 403-992-9266 |
Vice-President – Peter McFarlane | 416-904-9359 |
Level 2 Incidents:
Please inform the NHC at the numbers above if you have a concern or if you become aware of any of the following activities at Black Point:
- Overnight camping by non-members.
- Large fires or non-members having fires.
- Any fire during a “High” risk period (or above) or when a fire ban is in effect.
- Any fire outside of the First Beach fire pit.
- Any use of fireworks.
- Any use of firearms.
- Any destruction of property (including signage).
- Any damage to the environment (tree cutting, etc.).
- Any garbage at Black Point.
- Excessive noise.